Digital tools for research in cognitive science and brain health
Geras Solutions strengthens research in pharmaceuticals and academia through digital tools for evaluating cognition and by collecting other relevant data points.
Participants in studies can self-administer validated cognitive assessments using Geras Solutions app, for tablets or smartphones, at home, or in connection to physical visits at a clinic. The results are analyzed with the help of AI and are presented in a separate interface. 

How we push healthcare forward

Efficient clinical studies 

The validated digital cognitive tests can replace existing paper-and-pen tests such as MoCA or MMT/MMSE. This frees up time but also contributes to improved sensitivity and specificity in the assessments made of the cognitive status.

In addition to cognitive status assessment, a number of other additional data points can also be collected. This includes, for example, a comprehensive medical history or relatives' view of the development of possible symptoms using clinically validated frameworks. All operations can be carried out remotely using a tablet or phone.

Easy follow-up over time

Longitudinal studies are easily conducted with support from digital technologies, making follow-ups of a cohort from a distance possible. Reminders can be prompted, and participants can perform the requested tasks. Adjusting questionnaires, updating, and managing consent can also be handled in the app. 

Structured data management

The tool can collect data from several sources. Participants in the study contribute with input from tests and questionnaires via a separate app. Simultaneously, all other relevant data is collected in a separate interface, made for scientists. This enables easy management of data as well as the export of results for further analysis. 


Selecting participants for clinical study

The tool defines criteria related to cognition and other factors based on customizable questionnaires. This is of help when recruiting participants for clinical studies. Criteria for inclusion are defined beforehand in the tool. The participants themselves conduct the cognitive assessment with the help of smartphones or with help from healthcare professionals. Continuous communication with the participants, and excluded participants, can easily be administered via the tool. 

Clinical trials for new pharmaceuticals

Use the tool to analyze the cognitive effect during pharmaceutical trials. Thanks to the tools’ high specificity and sensitivity, traditional pen and paper tests with a dedicated test leader can be avoided, which leads to less administration, the elimination of subjective influence, and more extensive analysis material. In addition to increased quality, the costs for the clinical trial are less.   

Cognitive impairment associated with surgical procedures

Cognitive abilities are affected during surgeries. However, recovery is varied depending on the individual. The research focused on the normal recovery period in outpatient surgery is important to be able to assess if and for how long a patient should remain in the hospital for observation. Using Geras Solutions before and after surgery leads to more knowledge of normal recovery and potential deviations. After normal distribution and default data have been established, use the tool in clinical practice. 

CE marking and patient data management

Geras Solutions provides a CE-marked medical device tool class I, according to MDD (Class IIa according to MDR). We work in a structured manner with quality according to ISO13485. Proper management of patient data is also an important part for us and the healthcare providers who use Geras Solutions tools.
Read more about clinical evidence here.

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